Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Work Cited

Hong Hi, Choi. "Patterns." Comdo.com. Com-Do corp., 21 Feb. 2010. Web. 23 Nov 2010. <http://www.comdo.com/patterns.html>.
Hong Hi, Choi. "Taekwon-Do etiquette." Blue Cottage Taekwon-Do. Blue Cottage Taekwon-Do, 18 Sep. 2008. Web. 23 Nov 2010. <http://www.bluecottagetkd.com/Taekwon-DoEtiquette.html>.
Morris, Glen. "Taekwondo History." World Martial Arts Academy WTF Taekwondo. Glen R. Morris, 10 may 2009. Web. 23 Nov 2010. <http://www.worldtaekwondo.com/history.htm>.
Nauta, Barry. "History." General Taekwondo Information. Barry Nauta, 05 Feb. 2010. Web. 23 Nov 2010. <http://www.barrel.net/history.php>.
Young Ho, Kim. "What Makes A Good Martial Art Student." Taekwondo Training. Grand Master Kim Young Ho, 21 Aug. 2010. Web. 23 Nov 2010. <http://www.taekwondo-training.com/education/taekwondo-technical-manual/what-makes-a-good-martial-artist>.

Reflection on sources

Finding resources for my topic was quite a challenge because not a lot of people know about Tea Kwon Do. There are not many sources about Tae Kwon Do to begin with, and there are even less after you sift out the credible from the non-credible. The site that I found most useful was http://www.worldtaekwondo.com/history.htm. I believe that this is a good source because it has plenty of facts, not many ads, and it seems to check out really well. Some of my sources might be bias because my question is bias, but they are still good in my book.

Reflection on process

While I was looking back on my blog project, I have realized that it was not as easy as I thought it would be. I had the most trouble finding sources because I had a bias question and apparently people do not like to write about Tae Kwon Do that much. The easiest part of this project was working on the layout of the blog. Honestly I liked creating my blog because it was fun and it let my post my opinion to the world. I did not like the fact I could not really choose what I wanted to post on my blog, instead I had everything laid out for me saying this is what you have to post. I would have liked it better if I could have posted pure information and pictures instead of all the quotes, which are fine but there is so much more information that I could have posted. If I had to change anything in this project I would work ahead more and work more efficiently with my time.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Finding Paragraph # 2

The philosophy of Tae Kwon Do is basically to create a more tranquil atmosphere. A good way of doing this is teaching some main principals for the students to live by. A couple of these main points are: respect, dignity, honor, indomitable spirit, self control, responsibility, and there are so many more. Many people live by these principals, whether they learn them from a Tae Kwon Do class or their own parents. “As a true martial artist you must put these principles into practice every single day of your life, as well as the Dojang, so they become part of you as a person.” (Grand Master Kim Young Ho)

Finding Paragraph # 1

There are many forms of martial arts that have contributed to Tae Kwon Do, but there does not seem to be an exact number. A few of the forms that I did find include: T’ang-su, Taek Kyon, also known as Subak, Tae Kwon, Kwonpup, and Tae Kwonpup. There are also influences from Judo, Karate, and Kung-Fu. “Taekwondo is an empty-hand combat form that entails the use of the whole body. Tae means “to Kick” or “Smash with the feet,” Kwon implies “punching” or “destroying with the hand or fist,” and Do means “way” or “method.” (Donn F. Draeger and Robert W. Smith)